A walk in the time of COVID 19

Joanna Lipari
1 min readJul 18, 2020

It’s an ordinary walk…in an extraordinary time

I look out the front window of my covid safe home.

I lock down my checklist — shoes, phone, key –and mask.

I leave alone from my fortress to take a rare walk before

I lose it, my sanity that is, from my bizarre self-imposed covid isolation.

I let go of any expectations — it is just a walk after all, not some epic excursion.

I land here, on the front steps surveying the street while

I lace up my shoes. Just as I head out, a couple passes arguing.

I lag behind them, curious about their dynamic…

I lean in to hear what they are saying…

I listen hard to the man’s muffled complaints about their relationship.

I locate him on my psych map of mansplaining as they keep walking.

I lecture her in mind: You can do better than this shit, but I say nothing…

I lurch back to my front door and escape inside.



Joanna Lipari

Joanna Lipari is an actor, writer and psychologist using her skills to explore identity and personal development.