Getting to 100 followers!
Requirement for the Partnership Program
I have 85 followers. I need 15 more to get to 100 followers in order to join the Partnership Program. I’m introducing myself in hopes some of you will follow me.
I’m a professional actor, writer (fiction and non-fiction), magazine journalist, clinical psychologist, a mother and a citizen of the United States.
When I write psychological articles, I use my training as a clinical psychologist plus research to write articles that present an informed opionion. My most popular psych article is about Serial Cheaters.
As an interviewer, I have written profiles of famous folk. Here are two offerings.
My interview with Joan Didion for United Airlines magazine:
And a remembrance of my friend and brilliant violinist, Guido Lamell of the LA Philharmonic:
I also write poetry. My poems are usually short. Here’s my latest, only 8 lines:
I often write memoir stories here on Medium such as:
Some of these stories grew into a one woman show, Activities of Daily Living that I was touring just as covid hit. But I did get to perform at the 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. I did 26 performances in 27 days at the prestigious Gilded Balloon. I got great reviews…
And I write about my life.
My dog, Hotshot, has over 5k followers on Instagram (hotshotthepomsky) and over 35k on TikTok (hotshot_the_pomsky).
And I rescued two baby goats. One girl, Volcano was born during the volcano eruption of Mauna Loa on the Big Island, Hawai’i where I live. When she was born, she was smaller than a water bottle.
I named her Volcano. And here she is at 3 weeks old. Still so tiny. But happy.
And here is Volcano and her brother, Mr. Wiggly, now 4 months old!
Finding my audience has been difficult…because I don’t want to limit what I write about.
I also take on political issues. These are my personal opinions only.
I’m a registered Independent. I have voted both Democratic and Republican in the past. Yet, I find the divisiveness in this country really disturbing. I blame gerrymandering for pushing us to extremes. Example: a Republican primary will push primary candidates farther right, and the same thing happens in Democratic primaries, where in order to get the nomination, has to move farther left. Meanwhile, the majority of us who are in the center are unrepresented.
So I write my opinion (and it is only my opinion) on such issues as women’s rights, gun violence, climate change, gerrymandering, and LBGTQ issues. Some issues are difficult to negotiate, e.g. trans-women participating in women’s sports. Is it really fair for a person who was born male, and went through male puberty (thus bulding strength and muscle mass), then transitioning to be a woman and competing against cisgender women and girls? This is a tough topic with good points on both sides. But, like most controversies, there is a way to negotiate through it and find a reasonable solution.
So, there it is. An actor, writer, psychologist, poet, animal lover, and politically opinionated American citizen. I’m also a mother, but I generally don’t write about my daughter because I see that as an invasion of her privacy.
Will you follow me and give my offerings a chance? Thank you in advance.