Member-only story
I’m tired of ageist stuff about women…
Stereotypical images of older women as angry, and out-of-date should stop
Regularly I get this email from TransUnion credit reporting service. They want me to buy their service. Now check out the image…
It’s “mother”: an elderly, angry, fuddy-duddy woman holding an out-of-date phone. Is it supposed to be funny? I mean, they are trying to SELL me their service, and they actually think this image will appeal to me?
I find NOTHING appealing about this ageist, misogynistic image. It infuriates me. TransUnion has been sending out this email on a regular basis. Hasn’t anyone told them the elderly woman bashing shouldn’t be a thing?
I’m 73. I own an iPhone14 pro, wear an ultra Apple Watch, and understand technology. I look like this:
Not only don’t I look like “mother” in that ad, but none of my friends do. We aren’t angry because our kids don’t call often enough. We understand they have busy lives. We don’t use out of date technology. We don’t dress like it’s 1956.
But companies like TransUnion think it is perfectly fine…and funny…to portray us this way.
Anyone else ever see this email? If you find it inappropriate let TransUnion know. You can send them a message on Facebook at
Or on twitter: @askTU
I’m not trying to be “woke” here. I just don’t understand why it’s okay to portray elderly women this way.