Why isn’t Trump in jail for his many transgressions?

Joanna Lipari
3 min readSep 24, 2021


Ok, Trumplicans, I’m going to say it: Trump tried to destroy our democracy and he got away with it because you are dumb suckers

Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

I don’t get it. Trump spent four years conning his followers. He urged them to question elections, unless he won. He urged them to fight science, unless it was his bogus science. He urged them to believe stupid conspiracy theories like QAnon. Trump is a f….king loser, man. Trumplicans, can’t you see that?

“I alone can fix it.” Trump said. And boy, did he. January 6th, 2021, he nearly fixed this country for good…nearly destroyed our democracy. And he doesn’t quit.

Trump will shove even his most ardent sycophants, like Lindsey Graham, under the bus if they utter even a tiny bit of dissent with the “dear leader” and the lies he spouts.

And yet, his followers follow. They actually believe he’s a good businessman…haha…he lost money on every one of his ventures. He would have been flat broke if he hadn’t gotten THE APPRENTICE.

Trumplicans…it was TV SHOW! A fake, a sham. Scripted and directed. Trump wasn’t making any decisions. The show’s producers were making the decisions. The guy you thought was so smart and capable, well, he was a dummy plopped down in front of a camera.

Trumplicans, now you won’t get vaccinated. Though Trump got vaccinated. Um, really? Why is that? Because you “do your own research” and watch YouTube videos about horse medicine and bleach?

(I wonder if the GOP is getting concerned about killing off its anti-vaxxing electorate? It can’t be a winning strategy.)

But you know what? Trump has to have something going for him. For ALL he has done — to women, to this country — cheating the average citizen (Trump University) and the government (still ongoing), he has not been held accountable. This guy should be in prison. When you chant “lock him up”, you should be talking about Trump. But he weasels and sues and lies and Fox News carries the lies and you, dear poor Trumplicans, you believe it. And thus, he continues on…ripping you off…killing you…enslaving you…and you don’t even see it.

Now, the one thing I have to give Trump and the GOP: They are willing to lie, be hypocritical, play hardball, and go for the jugular. Democrats are pussies compared to them.

I think it’s time to get rid of Trump. McConnell came out of his turtle shell for a brief second after January 6th and blamed Trump, but then got scared and towed the party line. Same thing with McCarthy. Cowards…no, not cowards, cravenly dishonest, power greedy politicians.

Only Liz Cheny and Adam Kinzinger were willing to stick to the truth.

Well, here’s an idea for how to deal with Trump: SUE HIM…Class action suit, but US, the United States citizenry. Let’s see his taxes. Let’s move forward on his sexual abuse claims. Let’s expose the grift. Let’s more fully publicize the fraud, the election lies..hey, how about prosecuting his ass as co-conspirator in the Michael Cohen case. Hell, Cohen went to prison. Can’t we find a jumpsuit to fit Trump’s rotund rear?

I’m done. I want a real GOP party again. One that I can be proud of. One that can participate in true bi-partisanship government. One that I can vote for.

And while we are at it, why not move the Dems more to the center.

Hell, maybe if we get rid of Trump and his henchman (Bannon, Scavino, Miller, Meadows), maybe we would have shot at getting this country to work again.



Joanna Lipari
Joanna Lipari

Written by Joanna Lipari

Joanna Lipari is an actor, writer and psychologist using her skills to explore identity and personal development.

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