Your mind may make you vulnerable to Covid!
Read this to see how you can fight it.
It’s been 8 months of dealing with this pandemic. Shut downs, masks, social distancing, constant hand washing, hand sanitizers. The disruption in our lives is so extreme. We feel the isolation. And we see millions infected in the US, and over 260k dead.
Even with the hope of vaccines, we will still struggle with this pandemic for the next few months or even a year. And we have COVID FATIGUE.
And here’s where the danger comes in. There’s a neuro-psychological reasoning that people use to cope with danger of covid that makes them MORE vulnerable to getting the virus.
Here’s how it goes: A person thinks, “Well, I’ve been following all the pandemic rules, and I haven’t gotten it. I’ve even been exposed to someone who got it and I didn’t get. It’s been so many months. Maybe I’m immune somehow. In any case, I could probably loosen up a little every now and then.”
NO. Just because you haven’t gotten Covid, even after being around someone who had it, doesn’t mean you have any protection whatsoever. It’s your mind…which has been under stress due to the restrictions…convincing you of something that is not true. It happens to everyone.
Consider some simple life examples.
A man jaywalks a 100 times, carefully looking at traffic before he does so.
Over time, he convinces himself that he’s an expert jaywalker…and well bam, he gets hit by a car.
A woman consistently drives her car home from parties after having a few drinks. She might even be tipsy but nothing happens. So she thinks she’s safe. She’s a good driver, even after a few. Well, you know what happens next…a DUI or worse, an accident.
This is all because our brains want to normalize the things we do, whether they are things we should do or shouldn’t do.
SO, stay frosty my friends. We haven’t much farther to go before this pandemic is wiped out. But we have to be vigilant. We can’t jaywalk and get hit by the bus.
You can do this! 2020 is a bust of a year. But staying strong and doing the right thing to protect yourself, your family, your friends and your neighbors is your job. It is not an option to be lax now.
Stay well! Mask up!